Multi-Room Video
Now everyone can enjoy their favourite High Definition content around the house. Sports in the gym, 3D, 4K / UHD Films in the Home Cinema, soaps in the kitchen and CBeebies in the kids’ rooms. Our distribution systems ensure the whole family is catered for and without a loss in quality.
Visually more appealing than having multiple sources at each location such as a Sky Q box, Amazon Fire Stick, Apple TV or Blu-ray player. All sources can be in one location, even hidden, and then distributed to any room in your home and controlled from that room as if they were in the room with you.
Why not take advantage of our expertise in this area and contact us to see the options available?
Not always. There are a few options with most common being the option to hide equipment out of sight in a cupboard centrally locate everything in a single location for every room to access. With either option, we can install a single, easy to use remote control instead of multiple remote controls for the TV, Sky, Apple TV, Blu-ray player, AV receiver etc.